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About Us

Dr. Yashpal Singh 

FOREWORD… from the desk of secretary

           It’s a matter of pride to be the institution of its own kind where the study of law is coupled with other disciplines which we believe is the need of the hour. For this purpose, five year integrated course of law has been introduced which not only intertwines the knowledge of other discipline with the subject of law but also allows the students to get expert in their own field of respective vocations such as public officials, lawyers, judges, corporate managers, legal associates & others.

In the globalized world today and tomorrow the lawyers and law professionals are the be well versed in transnational based science civilization where a lawyer has to do global lawyering and thus has to be fully equipped with the knowledge of comprehensive transnational legal system so that the lawyer in a globalized world is capable of taking independent decisions.

Our institute (BLC) assures the parents, the students and the civil society that no stone shall be left unturned in order to groom the students admitted in the college as excellent, brilliant & confident lawyers to face the challenges which lie ahead of them in their lives. Wishing you the best future prospects.